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Global Executive MBA in Luxury Leadership

First and only one Executive MBA programme crafted to train across all sectors of the luxury industry top-level french and international executives, who are changing careers, entrepreneurs, high-potential managers who want to move into a strategic position within the luxury sectors or who want to enter the luxury industry.

  • Part-time
  • 60 ECTS
  • Eligible for CPF
  • 29000€
  • Oct. 2025
  • EN
New in october 2025 New in october 2025

Executive MBA

Program Overview

This MBA is the first and only academic programme to train top-level executives and professionals across all sectors of the luxury industry.

 By nature, the luxury industry has always been able to evolve between maintaining its heritage and know-how and seeking out novelty and innovation to constantly reinvent itself.

 Based on this mindset, Sup de luxe, with its Parisian DNA and embodying luxury à la française, has used its 35 years’ of experience in luxury management education to design this high-level Executive MBA.

 It aims to help luxury leaders constantly adapt to the challenges they face, such as changes in consumer behaviour, the digital revolution in brands' distribution and marketing strategies, and sustainable development by leading the transition to a luxury circular economy. 

By cultivating a deep understanding of intra- and entrepreneurship in the luxury world, this programme provides advanced management and marketing-communication expertise while honing leadership skills.

 Thus equipped, participants can innovate and support luxury companies in complex environments while maintaining the History and savoir-faire of the luxury brands they work for or develop. 

This Executive MBA targets french and international experienced luxury professionals, career changers and entrepreneurs who aspire to achieve their personal and professional ambitions by becoming agile leaders within all the luxury sectors. 

Participants will leverage from our B2B partnerships developed over 35 years with prestigious luxury houses such as Cartier and Richemont, renowned think tanks and do tanks such as Le Centre du Luxe et de la Création, Les Talents du Luxe, Le Sommet du Luxe and professional events such as the Re-Luxury trade fair, in order to build a powerful professional network and foster their personal development in the luxury sector. 

Attendees will also benefit from international exposure by the multiculturalism of the cohort and the professors, the executive seminar, visits and immersive experiences from the luxury ecosystem offered through the curriculum.

Why Join the Executive MBA?

Learning and Program Advantages
  • Develop your expertise in managing organizations within the luxury industry
  • Enhance your leadership and management skills to excel in complex international environments, especially during periods of transformation and crisis
  • Embrace necessary shifts towards digital innovation and sustainability at the core of a luxury strategy
  • Gain a holistic perspective on luxury talent roles, empowering you to design inclusive and impactful luxury action plans
  • Get access to Sup de Luxe community built over 35 years : luxury Maisons, specialized agencies dedicated to luxury brands, Think tanks and Do tanks, institutional decisionmakers
  • Join a global network of 4,000+ alumni, unlocking valuable support and opportunities to enrich your professional journey within the luxury ecosystem
    • Le MBA Exécutif est accrédité pour délivrer un diplôme de master conformément aux normes européennes et, par extension, est enregistré au RNCP (Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles) : un titre RNCP reconnu par l'État au Niveau VII.
    • Programme dispensé par Sup de Luxe, basé à Paris, incarnant le luxe français et reconnu depuis 35 ans pour son expertise dans l'enseignement supérieur en management du luxe.
    • Séminaire Exécutif
    • Chaires "Cartier" et "Innovation & Entrepreneuriat dans le Secteur du Luxe"
    • Sup de Luxe LAB : Contribuer à la diffusion des connaissances à travers des livres blancs, des articles de recherche et des missions en entreprise.
    • Conférences Grand Témoins : Rencontrer et échanger avec des figures emblématiques de l'industrie du luxe.Collaborations académiques avec des universités internationales.
    • Accès exclusif à des visites d'entreprises, salons professionnels, événements professionnels, tables rondes, think tanks et do tanks, ainsi qu'à des expériences immersives dans l'univers du luxe.
    • Incubateur : Accompagnement personnalisé des participants dans le développement de leurs projets entrepreneuriaux au sein du secteur du luxe.

The Executive MBA Program

15 months of training for senior executives
Training Objective 

The program is structured around core themes addressing the current challenges of the luxury industry: digitalization, sustainability and CSR, evolving consumer behaviors in the sector, and the development of an agile entrepreneurial mindset.

  • 1 - Develop a marketing and commercial plan tailored to a luxury goods and services company
  • 2 - Implement a communication and marketing plan for a luxury product or service 
  • 3 - Enhance the profitability of a luxury goods or services sales unit
  • 4 - Manage teams and the business environment within the luxury sector
Assessment Methods

The program is divided into five key blocks:

  • 1 - Courses covering topics such as Timeless Elegance: The Fascinating History of Luxury, Decoding Global Consumer Behavior, Mastering Omnichannel Success, The AI Revolution in Luxury, Circular Economy as the New Luxury Currency, Leading Transformation and Change in the Luxury Sector, and Building Ethical, Diverse, and Inclusive Teams. 
  • 2 - Luxury industry-specific case studies
  • 3 - Personal and professional development workshops, including individual coaching sessions
  • 4 - Final individual project: professional thesis, real business case, or intra/entrepreneurial project with individual mentorship
  • 5 - Executive seminar in France or abroad



RNCP Title

This program prepares participants for the Manager in Marketing and Commercial Strategy for Luxury Products and Services title (a proprietary title of EDC Paris Business School, the business school to which Sup de Luxe is affiliated). It is a Level 7 certified title, RNCP code 39856, NSF code 312m, registered in the RNCP by decree on January 27, 2025, under the authority of the Ministry of Labor. The validation of all competency blocks is required to obtain the degree.

The Executive MBA Schedule

  • Date de début

    Octobre 2025


    Temps partiel : 4 jours par mois (du mercredi au samedi inclus) sur une durée de 15 mois


    Présentiel – Campus à Paris + un séminaire exécutif en France ou à l'étranger

How to Join the Executive MBA?

Program Prerequisites

To join the Executive MBA program, candidates must meet the following prerequisites:

  • A higher education degree (4 years) 
  • A minimum of 5 years of professional experience
  • B1 level in English (TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge)

For French candidates the program is eligible for the Personal Training Account (CPF).

Applications are accepted until the program start date, except for students requiring a visa, who must complete their application at least 8 weeks before the start date.

If you have a disability and wish to join us, you can find more information on our accessibility page.


What to Do After Completing Our Executive MBA?

The Executive MBA enables its graduates to pursue high-level executive positions.

    • Postes de management exécutif en marketing, communication digitale, développement commercial, gestion des opérations et service client.

    • Directeur d’agence

    • Entrepreneur

    • Chef de produit

    • Manager de transition

    • Chef de projets senior

    • Consultant senior

Request information
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