Home News from the Institute News from the InstituteDiscover the latest news of the Institut Supérieur de Marketing du Luxe. - Categoría -AlumniLuxeVie étudianteChairesGrands TémoinsPédagogie - Tag -AlumniRankingLuxePedagogyProfile How do you create a fashion portfolio for the luxury sector ? CSP+ and CSP++: the new luxury customers Luxe Why make a career in the luxury sector ? What are the leading brands of perfume for men and women in France ? The success of ephemeral restaurants in the luxury sector List of luxury fabrics currently in vogue Luxe 5 tips for visual merchandising Luxe The 7 best high-end hifi brands Luxe Professional retraining: the benefits of an RNCP qualification in luxury goods The buying motivations of luxury customers Luxe Sup de Luxe and Polimoda are launching an exclusive joint programme Sup de Luxe number 2 of the best MBAs in France “Grands Témoins” conference: Sophie Flambard from DS Automobiles Visit the laboratory of chocolatier Julien Dechenaud Immersion in the world of Lallement Massonnot champagne Visit the Charles Pozzi Ferrari Paris dealership Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Next page Last page