News from the Institute

Discover the latest news of the Institut Supérieur de Marketing du Luxe.


How do you create a fashion portfolio for the luxury sector ?

Soirée Portes Ouvertes

CSP+ and CSP++: the new luxury customers

[PRESSE] Best Master’s in Luxury Brand Management

Why make a career in the luxury sector ?

Marché de la beauté et des cosmétiques

What are the leading brands of perfume for men and women in France ?

5 stratégies brand content des marques de luxe

The success of ephemeral restaurants in the luxury sector

[PRESSE] Sup de Luxe lance son MBA Entrepreneuriat et Management du Luxe

List of luxury fabrics currently in vogue

Fashion Week Parisienne Printemps-Eté 2022 : Analyse 2

5 tips for visual merchandising

[PRESSE] Cursus civilisation française Sup de Luxe - Partenariat Sorbonne

The 7 best high-end hifi brands

[Presse] Cérémonie des diplômes : 29ᵉ promotion de Sup de Luxe

Professional retraining: the benefits of an RNCP qualification in luxury goods

Les motivations d'achat des clients du luxe

The buying motivations of luxury customers

[DES ARTICLES] Couverture Polimoda etudiante

Sup de Luxe and Polimoda are launching an exclusive joint programme

couverture classement eduniversal mba

Sup de Luxe number 2 of the best MBAs in France

[DES ARTICLES] Couverture CGT Sophie Flambard

“Grands Témoins” conference: Sophie Flambard from DS Automobiles

[DES ARTICLES] Couverture B1 visite alain dechenaud 2023

Visit the laboratory of chocolatier Julien Dechenaud

MSc Gloobal Champagne 2024

Immersion in the world of Lallement Massonnot champagne

B2 Viste Charles Pozzi Ferrari 3

Visit the Charles Pozzi Ferrari Paris dealership