L’histoire de Sup de Luxe, Chaire Cartier ESTO ES UN TEXTO PARA VERLO

Sup de Luxe, Cartier Chair

Discover the history of the Institute through the key events that led it to become the reference in luxury business and management.

History of Sup de Luxe, Cartier Chair

Founded on the initiative of Cartier in 1990 as the Institut Supérieur de Marketing du Luxe, Sup de Luxe is the first institute in the world created and run by luxury professionals. Over the years, this renowned institution has welcomed thousands of passionate students from more than 70 countries and helped them develop their skills and expertise in a constantly evolving sector.

The history of Sup de Luxe is marked by exceptional and iconic encounters that have allowed students to benefit from the experience and advice of eminent leaders.

Let's take a look back at the major events that have shaped the Institute:

A word from the President of Sup de Luxe, Cartier Chair

“For more than 35 years, our institution has established itself as a world reference in education and will continue to train future leaders in a unique environment. We have cultivated a passion for luxury by encouraging students to explore creativity, to immerse themselves in its culture and to become ambassadors for this prestigious business. Within our schools, the teachers are experts, transmitting their know-how and passion with relevance and conviction. Sup de Luxe alumni continue to actively participate in the life of the institution by sharing their experience and expertise with current students.

Because together, we are going further!

The Institut Supérieur de Marketing du Luxe wishes to express its gratitude to all the people and professionals in the sector who have contributed to its foundation and development for over 35 years.”

Thibaut de La Rivière 
Co-founder and President of the Institut Supérieur de Marketing du Luxe
Directeur de Sup de Luxe, Chaire Cartier