MSc Global Luxury Brand Management

MSc In Global Luxury Brand Management

This MSc in Luxury is a reference programme, preparing students for management positions in the luxury sector, internationally.

  • Full-time, In-person
  • 41800€
  • October 2025
  • 1 or 2 years
  • English
Cursus complet : 14 300 € année 1 + 27 500 € année 2 | Année 2 seule : 30 250 € Full course: €14,300 year 1 + €27,500 year 2 | Year 2 alone: €30,250

Presentation of the programme

The MSc Global Luxury Brand Management has been developed in close collaboration with companies in the luxury sector. The courses are re-evaluated and adjusted according to current economic and strategic issues - and those of the future.

Strengths of the programme

  1. This programme is a source of high potential profiles for luxury companies
  2. It allows them to find graduates who are ready to move into business development, retail, digital marketing or similar jobs and develop a long-term career in their company.
  3. It also aims to be the crossroads of knowledge and international interaction related to the world of luxury.

Educational objectives

  • It is a global luxury programme, training students in general management and all the activities necessary to succeed in these areas: commercial policy, control and finance, as well as logistics and supply chain. The aim is to train candidates to become, in the medium and long term, general managers of luxury subsidiaries in the main strategic countries.
  • It focuses on creative management and the creative team, as this is a very important element for a brand to stand out and provide interesting and outstanding products, objects and services.
  • He is developing particular skills in the field of social media and digital marketing.
  • It stands out as the best training available in the field of luxury retailing and merchandising.

Learning methods

  • All teaching methods, including proactive systems and the Internet, will be used, but the majority of courses will be based on the business case method.
  • An in-depth analysis of a real business situation (a team project presented to a luxury company) will conclude the programme.
  • The programme will consist of theoretical courses, lectures and internships or assignments.

Pace of training

  • 1st year: Initial
  • 2nd year: Initial


This programme is labelled MSc (Master of Science) by the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles

Statistical data

  • Number of students: 15
  • Satisfaction rate: 5/5
  • Insertion rate: 100%.
  • Drop-out rate: 0.99
  • Survey return rate: 100%.

(source: satisfaction and integration surveys conducted by the school in 2022)

Assessment methods

The assessment methods are: continuous assessment, mid-term exams and dissertation (Brand Business Case).


Semester 1

  • Ethics, corporate social responsibility and sustainability
  • Entrepreneurship ecosystem
  • Corporate finance
  • Strategic management
  • Management information system and Project Management
  • Self-development
  • French as a foreign language

Semester 2

  • Business development
  • Human Resources Management
  • Entrepreneurial Finance and Accounting Management
  • Supply chain and logistics
  • Big Data and knowledge management
  • Business English
  • Career Development Workshops

  • Business development
  • Human Resources Management
  • Entrepreneurial Finance and Accounting Management
  • Supply chain and logistics
  • Big Data and knowledge management
  • Business English
  • Career Development Workshops

Year 2: In-depth expertise in business management

  • Accounting control, reports and budget
  • Corporate financial management
  • Global international strategy
  • Global trade policy

Luxury marketing management

  • Consumer analysis and consumer behaviour; market research
  • Product policy and management
  • Brand management
  • International distribution systems
  • Communication and advertising
  • Social networks and digital marketing

Luxury retailing and merchandising

  • Basic retail economics and management
  • Shop location and concept development
  • Merchandising and visual merchandising

Creative Management

  • Art management and specificities
  • Design and creative team management
  • Introduction to product and communication design

Luxury talent management

  • Organisational development
  • Talent management
  • Executive careers in luxury

Manufacturing, Supply chain and purchasing, Logistics

  • Global sources of supply
  • Quality management
  • Logistics, supply chain and planning processes

Luxury legal issues

  • Trademark registration and intellectual property. Contract negotiation and monitoring

Sector analysis

  • Perfumes and cosmetics
  • Jewellery and watches
  • Fashion management
  • Wine and spirits
  • Hospitality management
  • The challenges of the Chinese market
  • Opportunities in other energy markets
  • The place of other BRICS markets

Job opportunities

The Global MSc prepares students for management positions through the in-depth study of production, logistics and control, with an emphasis on financial strategies and global management.

Pursuing your studies

If you want to continue your studies after the MSc Global Luxury Brand Management, you can! There are a number of establishments where you can specialise in a specific field (fashion, tourism, hospitality, gastronomy, jewellery, watchmaking, cosmetics, etc.) or acquire more general, cross-disciplinary skills (finance, management, digital, CSR, law, etc.). Subject to the necessary prerequisites, you may also decide to complete a doctorate or a Master of Science in another speciality to round off your course. To find out about all the options available to you after your degree, click here (in French).

If you have enjoyed the Sup de Luxe experience, after a few years you can join a continuing education programme offered by the Institute in the form of Executive Certificates. Our advisors will be happy to guide and advise you.

Request information
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