The Sup de Luxe MBA program ranked among the best Masters
The rating agency SMBG-Eduniversal publishes the only international ranking of the best masters: Eduniversal Best Masters Ranking. It lists the best 4000 programs divided into 30 classification specialties.
SMBG-Eduniversal rankings are genuine certification tools, making it possible to identify the most effective training programmes and to enhance the expertise of institutions in 153 countries. They are therefore very important and useful for students, companies & recruiters as well as for schools and universities themselves.
The SMBG-Eduniversal methodology, which has been tested since 2002, is based on annual surveys and is based on feedback and satisfaction from the stakeholders concerned. The quality, performance and reputation of training courses are assessed on the basis of detailed questionnaires answered by university managers, students and young graduates and HR managers, practitioners or experts in the sector.
The Luxury Brand Marketing and International Management MBA of the Institut Supérieur de Marketing du Luxe (EDC Paris) was ranked 6th this year in the world's top 20 best masters in luxury management for the fashion sectors.