The Sup de Luxe MBA ranked 5th in the world's best Masters in Luxury Management!
The Sup de Luxe MBA Luxury Brand Marketing & International Management is ranked 5th among the best Masters in Luxury Management in the world in 2022! Out of 50 schools, we are the first French school to be ranked at the top; we are honoured by this recognition which reflects the constant and passionate work of our teams.
Three main criteria were taken into account for this ranking:
- The reputation of the programme: being known and recognised by recruiting companies and having an active approach to them.
- Salary of the first job after graduation: placement of graduates in the best positions on the market.
- Student satisfaction: working to improve the programmes by taking into account student feedback.
Congratulations and thanks to all those who work every day to offer quality programmes and teaching methods that are in line with the sector and the needs of luxury houses.