Sup de Luxe number 2 of the best MBAs in France
Sup de Luxe number 2 of the best MBAs in France
We are proud to announce that our MBA Luxury Brand Marketing and International Management has been ranked No. 2 among the best Masters in Luxury Management by Eduniversal! This recognition reflects the mantra that our institution has followed since its creation: train professionals, by professionals.
The first program to be created by Sup de Luxe in 1990, this MBA offers a rich and professional learning experience, as well as privileged encounters with leading figures in the luxury industry. Since then, this pioneering program has kept pace with developments in the sector, offering specializations that meet the current and future challenges of the luxury business: Sustainable Development, Digital Marketing, Entrepreneurship & Innovation and Retail Strategies.
This development and success would not have been possible without the dedication and passion of our in-house teams, guest speakers, alumni and partners.
Many thanks to all!