En télétravail, le secteur s’adapte, nos étudiants aussi

Working from home, the sector is adapting and so are our students.

The Covid-19 will have impacted professionals, but also some of our students who continued their telework internship for the brands in the sector.

This is the case of Loïs Lecomte in the 3rd year of the Luxury Bachelor's degree, doing an internship at the jeweller Courbet, who tells us about her experience.



Describe your position and missions.


I'm doing a 6-month internship at Courbet, an ecological jeweller's in Place Vendôme, as a press and public relations assistant. My missions are to interact daily with journalists, by email and/or phone in order to send them information about the brand as well as visuals. I update our pressbook. I organise jewellery loans and cocktails as part of Courbet's promotion. I also create invitations for our guests and research media support, as well as managing our service providers and quotes.



What teleworking arrangements has the company put in place?


In my case, I have less work since I have less interaction with journalists and in this period of health crisis we no longer organise events and therefore no longer hire service providers.

But we are taking advantage of this period to look at other subjects. The founders of Courbet, Marie-Ann Wachtmeister and Manuel Mallen, have set up working groups to look at different topics and every week we have a briefing meeting in addition to the working group meetings.



What difficulties did you encounter and how did you deal with them?


The main problem is obvious I think. It is communication! We have dealt with it by relying on checking one's e-mails and different means of communication, so that we can be more efficient.



What is your vision of the future of luxury post covid19?


I think that during this exceptional period, people are going to realize certain things. I think there will be a world before and after Covid 19.

Consumption patterns will be different and ethical and ecological awareness will take a big leap forward. When we see the very positive impacts that containment has had on the environment, we can tell ourselves that we will make efforts even as we go on with our lives.




"Courbet is a small team of 18 people, and we consider the trainees to be part of the team in their own right, so they are integrated like everyone else into the various general meetings or working groups. " Manuel Mallen, President and Founder of Courbet





About Courbet 


Courbet is the 1st ecological jeweller in Place Vendôme. Thanks to gold jewellery and laboratory-cultivated diamonds, the house was created with the aim of combining the beautiful and good.



Founded in 2018 by Manuel Mallen and Marie-Ann Wachtmeister, Courbet is located at 7 Place Vendôme and is establishing itself as a disruptive element in the world of French jewellery.

The vocation of the brand is to offer ethical and ecological, modern and audacious jewellery that respects know-how. Courbet offers an alternative, environmentally conscious.



"Five years ago, there was no real alternative to the mined diamond. Today, on the other hand, we have the choice and therefore no longer any reason to excavate the ground to extract diamonds, when science and technology make it possible to produce a diamond with exactly the same physical, chemical and optical characteristics as mined diamonds. As far as gold is concerned, there is more gold above the surface of the Earth than below.




The Covid-19 will have impacted professionals, but also some of our students who continued their telework internship for the brands in the sector.

This is the case of Loïs Lecomte in the 3rd year of the Luxury Bachelor's degree, doing an internship at the jeweller Courbet, who tells us about her experience.



Describe your position and missions.


I'm doing a 6-month internship at Courbet, an ecological jeweller's in Place Vendôme, as a press and public relations assistant. My missions are to interact daily with journalists, by email and/or phone in order to send them information about the brand as well as visuals. I update our pressbook. I organise jewellery loans and cocktails as part of Courbet's promotion. I also create invitations for our guests and research media support, as well as managing our service providers and quotes.



What teleworking arrangements has the company put in place?


In my case, I have less work since I have less interaction with journalists and in this period of health crisis we no longer organise events and therefore no longer hire service providers.

But we are taking advantage of this period to look at other subjects. The founders of Courbet, Marie-Ann Wachtmeister and Manuel Mallen, have set up working groups to look at different topics and every week we have a briefing meeting in addition to the working group meetings.



What difficulties did you encounter and how did you deal with them?


The main problem is obvious I think. It is communication! We have dealt with it by relying on checking one's e-mails and different means of communication, so that we can be more efficient.



What is your vision of the future of luxury post covid19?


I think that during this exceptional period, people are going to realize certain things. I think there will be a world before and after Covid 19.

Consumption patterns will be different and ethical and ecological awareness will take a big leap forward. When we see the very positive impacts that containment has had on the environment, we can tell ourselves that we will make efforts even as we go on with our lives.




"Courbet is a small team of 18 people, and we consider the trainees to be part of the team in their own right, so they are integrated like everyone else into the various general meetings or working groups. " Manuel Mallen, President and Founder of Courbet





About Courbet 


Courbet is the 1st ecological jeweller in Place Vendôme. Thanks to gold jewellery and laboratory-cultivated diamonds, the house was created with the aim of combining the beautiful and good.



Founded in 2018 by Manuel Mallen and Marie-Ann Wachtmeister, Courbet is located at 7 Place Vendôme and is establishing itself as a disruptive element in the world of French jewellery.

The vocation of the brand is to offer ethical and ecological, modern and audacious jewellery that respects know-how. Courbet offers an alternative, environmentally conscious.



"Five years ago, there was no real alternative to the mined diamond. Today, on the other hand, we have the choice and therefore no longer any reason to excavate the ground to extract diamonds, when science and technology make it possible to produce a diamond with exactly the same physical, chemical and optical characteristics as mined diamonds. As far as gold is concerned, there is more gold above the surface of the Earth than below.