Meet Cynthia Illouz
Professor at EDC Paris Business School, expert in sponsorship, CSR, social entrepreneurship and luxury

Cynthia Illouz is a teacher-researcher at EDC Paris Business School and at Sup de Luxe. She teaches philanthropy, CSR, digital strategy, communication and media... Cynthia Illouz is a member of the Brands & Values research chair at IAE Paris - Sorbonne Business School where she obtained her PhD in Management Sciences on corporate philanthropy in the luxury sector. She is the author of the book: De Grands Patrons Si Généreux? Lumière sur le mécénat (2019).
Cynthia Illouz is also the founder and CEO of the Chari-T media, her editorial line is "to inform readers about the sponsorship actions of brands and personalities". Committed to many causes, she sits on the Steering Committee of UN Women France.