Home News from the luxury sector News from the luxury sectorDiscover all the news from the luxury sector. - Category -AéronautiqueArtAutomobileCosmétiquesEducationGastronomieHorlogerieHôtellerieImmobilierJoaillerieLuxeMaritimeMaroquinerieModeOptiqueParfumerieSportŒnologie - Tag -FashionBien-êtreBrandingCommerceFood & WineDigitalE-commerceÉconomieEntrepreneuriatEvénementExpérience clientFashionFormationInfluenceInnovationJuridiqueMarketingMétiers du luxePartenariatPop CultureRetailSeconde mainStratégieTechnologiesTourisme Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Bulgari: Why is luxury increasing its prices? Luxury and metaverse, when influence gets involved Fashion & ecological commitment: When the catwalks take responsibility Arts and crafts : Expertise in the service of luxury Luxury and traceability: what future for IoT? Luxury: The great trend of ephemeral pop-ups Luxury cars and sustainability: what are the challenges? Paris Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2022: Analysis Global luxury: Local consumption and a desire for proximity Luxury and pop culture: A winning mix and match NFT & luxury - The advantages of a growing system « Buy Now, Pay Later » : a trend that is confirmed Brand strategy: from media to retail How is luxury investing in the sports sector? What future for storytelling? Business aviation: Focus on an industry that is adapting First page Previous page Página 1 Página 2 Página 3 Current page 4 Página 5 Página 6 Página 7 Next page Last page